Oᵒ AirJect 空間消毒霧劑
Oᵒ AirJect Sanitiser
O°AirJect 空間消毒霧劑由香港本地頂尖科學家團隊開發,已通過 CMA 測試和實驗室測試認證,結果證實它可以殺死細菌,包括黑曲霉、白色念珠菌、大腸桿菌、鼠傷寒沙門氏菌等。
Developed by a team of top-tier Hong Kong local scientists, OᵒAirJect has been tested by a CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories and the results confirm that it can kill bacteria including Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and more.

O°AirJect 空間消毒霧劑的配方專為霧化器而設,能透過霧化形式隨空氣飄浮到任何角落,將環境空氣中和物件表面的細菌、病毒殺滅達99%,適合任何環境和人士使用,包括孕婦、嬰孩和寵物。
OᵒAirJect is used for air and surface disinfection purposes to safely and effectively kill 99.99% of environmental bacteria and virus including H1N1, coronavirus and can be used anywhere to create a clean, safe environment free from germs and bacteria, which is safe for pregnant women, infants and pets.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is an internationally recognized safe disinfectant. Recently, ClO2 has been listed by the US Environmental Protection Agency as one of the components that effectively inhibit the COVlD-19.

The University
of British Columbia
有效殲滅新冠狀病毒 而不會對細胞產生毒性
Effective in destroying Covid-19 virus
without causing any cytotoxic effects on human cultured cells