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InnoAir 致力於結合嶄新科技與可持續物料,締造健康舒適的新時代生活環境

InnoAir aims to combine advanced technologies using sustainable materials and create a healthy living environment for the next generation

About Us

InnoAir Technology Limited 是一家專注於 MOX 氣體傳感器技術的科技公司。 InnoAir 與香港科技大學創業計劃的成員合作,向市場出口和商業化最先進的傳感技術,連接學術研究和工程。


InnoAir Technology Limited is a technology company that focuses on MOX Gas Sensor technologies. In cooperation with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program member.


InnoAir exports and commercialises state-of-art sensing technologies to the markets, connecting academic research and engineering.

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